How to order

Laser 2D ve skleněné krychliLaserovaný motýl ve skleněné kouli2D logo laserované ve skleněné krychliLaserovaná 2D loga v prostoru skleněné krychle se sraženým rohem

Dear customers,

If you wish to have your photo, logo, writing, congratulation to some anniversary or the portrait in 3D by using the laser engraving, we recomend to follow the next steps.

1/ How to order the glass semi-finsihed material.
Choose the glass material-plaque, sphere, cube, clocks, trophy....from our offer and add it to the basket.

2/ How to order  laser engraving of photo, text, logo
Click on the semi-finished material, which you chose and SELECT "Yes engraving". The price for engraving will be added to the price for glass finished semi product on the same page. When you are in the basket, load up the photo, text, logo....., which you wish to have laser engraved. You can also make some comment regarding the type of writing, text....

3/ How to order 3D portrait

Click on the semi-finished material (glass cube, block, sphere..), which you have chosen  and SELECT "Yes engraving" (the price for engraving will be added to the price for glass finished semiproduct on the same page)

SELECT  type from "Conversion to 3D" (the price for conversion will be added to the price for glass finished semiproduct and laser engraving on the same page)

If you wish to have all body or some group of people, please, contact us for the special price offer.

Recapilutation :

For laser engraving of photo, logo, signs, wishing, picture...please, order :

Glass semi-finished products+laser engraving and you add the required file as the note

For laser engraving of 3D portrait, you order:

Glass semi-finished products+laser engraving+conversion and you add the required file as the note

In case of some problems, do not hesitate to contact us on our e-mail or by phone.

Thank you for your shopping in our e-shop!!!

Your team
